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Stelios Stylianou


Stelios Stylianou

Stelios Stylianou was born in Cyprus in 1948.
He lives and works in Switzerland as a designer and artist since 1980.

In his bourgeois profession, he designed ship engines for ocean liners at the Wärtsilä Group in Winterthur. Most recently and after his retirement, he developed with Dr. M. Ganser at Ganser CRS in Winterthur Injection systems for diesel engines.
But since childhood he drew and painted. Artists who visited his parents’ estate in Nicosia to draw people, animals and plants were his early inspiration.

Even many years later, whenever his professional and family environment permitted, he was artistically active. He deepened his autodidactic talents at (…)

Dr. Phil. Volker Schunck 1)


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The following printing technologies are known:

  • Lithography (stone print)
  • Xylography (wood print)
  • Zincography (sheet print)

Digigraphy (digital printing) is a new addition. This print is made with inkjet and pigmented colours on special paper for light fastness.



It is said that as you get older you become more aware of your roots. With the material bronze, Stylianou resorts to a cultural technique which in the 2nd millennium B.C. in his native Cyprus was developed and to whose copper wealth the island owes its name (kypros).

Stylianou’s most recent group of works, created since 2019, includes an extensive series of small-format bronzes, which belong more to the relief in their tow-dimensional design. It is not difficult to recognize the iconographic and formal repertoire, which he had already developed in earlier drawings and paintings. Female figures in softly flowing shapes such as Standing, Sitting, Lady in Green, Seated Girl or Mermaid alternate with profile views of heads, which in their strong stylization, combine antique with modernist forms. There is, for example, the highly abstract, gold-toned bronze, in which alone the elongated angled “Nose” refers to the subject of the head or a mask. The “Youth” (2019) with detailed Greek physiognomy and black-green patina is reminiscent of the heroic times of Hellenism. Also the expressive head fragment (2019) with the lateral eye and the line running from the crown to the nose blends archaic with modernist stylistic elements.

Dr. Phil. Volker Schunck 2)



Already some years earlier he had tried his hand at sculpturing. One phase of his work was characterized by DELTA, in which the fourth Greek capital letter became the conceptual starting point for triangular structures in various materials and formats.

Dr. Phil. Volker Schunck 2)


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The Journal of 366 Pictures

A highlight of his work was the publication of a book with 366 pictures, which he published on the occasion of the millennium year 2000. The idea for the project developed in an examination of traditional printing methods such as etching and lithography, which he simulated in an experimental procedure using computer techniques. Since it is neither an etching nor a lithography, he called them Digigraphy. “I was so fascinated by the possibilities of this discovery that I decided to create a picture for each day of the last year in the old millennium and compile it in a book.”

Dr. Phil. Volker Schunck 1)

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Vernissage June 14, 2024, 6:00-9:00 PM Rossart, Forest Metaphysics Exhibition

Clausiusstrasse 64, 8006 Zurich

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